
Showing posts from October, 2020

Lack of Vanity

                    JuSt Be YoUrSeLf  They say beauty is skin deep  How many of us actually believe it ? On bloated day's, scarred faces  Do we ever truly feel it ? Her flawless skin is perfection Her body needs no correction Then why am I to deal with these ice-pit scars ? Why isn't age catching up in her chart of stars ? Pcod is the new lifestyle  Face filters new fad  Sad is new metal state  Insta followers pretty much decide our fate. So is it vanity or the lack of it ? Is it constant comparison or emptiness within ? So in world full of pretence, Accept yourself. Project what's real, what's beneath thoes fear. Surrender, don't wonder,don't stop Captivate that mind, because you're the boss.