Mumbai's life line

Train journeys often get lonely.
When you enter
Into a seemingly isolated coach
Only to find your seat
Next to the loudest family in the compartment.
As they giggle in their native tongues
Distribute home made food
In paper plates and fill their
Bottles with the packaged water.
It probably tastes better that way.
Train journeys often get lonely.
When you travel miles away
From where you are and
Where you choose to be.
In berths filled with sounds and languages
Every bunch, immersed in its own festivities
And you pounce to the window seat
Hoping the view makes for a good companion
To the music blasting in your headphones
Helping you avoid the conversations
You don't feel invited to.
Train journeys often get lonely.
Until that lady, a mother of two
Passes you a paper plate too.
Serves you some of the homemade food.
And asks you where you're headed to.
Until the girl burried in her books.
Keeps them aside and smiles at you.
Until you keep your tunes aside.
Shift your view to the laughter
And the happy faces.
Become a part of the festivities too.
Train journeys often feel homely.


  1. Superb Keep it up Mumbai Girl - Tanvi Mumbai Local Trains are Heart of the City Bing so crowded still people can't leave without it people enjoy this travel as well and it's create a bond of relations everyone Help each other some time fight as well but I love my Mumbai.. issseee ka to naam hai Zindagi.. Tuz maze jamena Ani Tuzya vachun karmena. Nice writing Tanvi Well Done.


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